Consultancy Services

Continuous Improvement

Consultancy Services

We are working with client teams on live improvement projects in their organisations to improve the quality of care and reduce waste and inefficiencies. We also offer a range of short practical workshops focusing on key skills to introduce and maintain improvement including information analysis, innovation performance management and spreading good practice. These skills will enable staff to use a range of approaches and tools in their own service environments.

The Leadership Centre is working in partnership with the NHS Institute for innovation and Improvement to deliver the ‘Productive Series’. These consist of the application of a range of improvement principles and ‘lean’ techniques to existing systems and processes in clinical and work settings which are having a significant impact on professional staff and the direct care which patients and clients receive.

The Leadership Centre is facilitating the sharing of good practice through raising awareness, training sessions, arranging visits to or from other organizations. We will support improvement networks through inter organisational improvement learning sets, 'lunch and Learn' sessions and case study based workshops.